If you’re old enough to remember, and congratulations if you are, you know our generation grew up on the best of the best!  OK, with the exception of the mullet, big hair, and leg warmers, the 70s and 80s brought us such greats as Calvin Klein jeans, Rubik’s Cube,...
Creating An Effective Media List

Creating An Effective Media List

A media list is an information index comprised of individuals employed in the media industry such as: journalists, reporters, media influencers, bloggers and any other relevant individual(s) to send a press release. It can be stored electronically in programs such as...
Supporting Locally Owned Businesses

Supporting Locally Owned Businesses

Trying to decide whether to shop at the large home improvement retailer with a garden center? Debating on taking the family out for breakfast to the chain restaurant with a line that’s 20 deep out the front door? Why not support your community and shop and support the...
What Defines You As A Professional Today?

What Defines You As A Professional Today?

As I was thinking of a topic for my company’s quarterly newsletter, I received an email from the folks at LinkedIn that asked, “What defines you as a professional today?” Needless to say, I found my topic. To answer that question, in the Reader’s Digest condensed...
Relationship Building Spotlight: Daniel Stein

Relationship Building Spotlight: Daniel Stein

A little more than 14 years ago, we welcomed our third son into our family. Prior to his birth, we were advised there was a one in seven chance that he would be born with Down syndrome. At each and every doctor’s appointment we were offered an amniocentesis, which we...
Relationship Building Spotlight: NiCole Williams

Relationship Building Spotlight: NiCole Williams

In late winter of 2012 and early spring of 2013 we were planning our move back to Texas. Upon a family member’s recommendation we contacted a realtor and provided her with ideas of our perfect home. Having a tall order, because we wanted to be within city limits with...